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Bilateral cooperation - Joint tax audits of Albania and Macedonia

TIRANA - In the area of intensive international cooperation established between the tax authorities of Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Albania, a workshop on “Future challenges of tax inspectorates” is taking place, between 23th and 25th of September 2009 in Tirana.


On the workshop besides the highest management of the tax administrations, the director Mr. Goran Trajkovski and the director Mr. Arthur Papajani, in the preparation of the “Action plan for joint activities in area of external audit” tax auditors of both countries are involved.


The main goal of the workshop is to specify the measures and activities for joint action of the tax inspectorates in the following period with aim of prevention and detection of tax evasion, as well exchange of experience in the area of:

- Principles of tax audit,
- Specifics of audit control in different types of taxes,
- Specifics of external audit in different industries and areas,
- The importance of the exchange of information for tax purposes,
- Procedures in case of suspicion for existing tax criminal.



© Public Revenue Office, Republic of North Macedonia